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“No child is left behind”. All children regardless of their ability have the right to learn. Persons with ID are the most vulnerable group in the country. We are promoting rights of vocational training to youth with intellectual disability (ID) in Morogoro Municipality and Ifakara Township through a four year project funded by Vaasa-Tanzania Association from Finland by providing three months short courses on pre-vocational/vocational skills training to youth with ID. We reached 151 youth in Morogoro Municipality and 30 in Ifakara.

Course Provided to Youth

Carpentry, Tree planting, Poultry keeping, Cooking Tailoring, Plumbing, Weaving Brick making, Masonry.

  • 25 VTCs/FDCs tutors from Morogoro Municipality and Ifakara Township were trained on inclusive education, gained knowledge on intellectual disability and increased their understanding and skills on providing pre/vocational skills to youth with ID within their respective centres/trades.
  • In-service training was provided to VTCs and FDCs tutors to widen their understanding, knowledge and skills on ID subsector. They have increased/improved knowledge on Curriculum Adaptations to fit youth with ID in their training.
  • Youth and parents/guardians were provided with career guidance and counselling to guide them for better utilization of the skills provided.
  • 80% of the target members were supported with start-up kits, they have started to put into practice the skills they have acquired.
  • Internship training program has been developed especially at Ifakara of which the trainees are attached to individual technicians to gain more practical skills. This has increased motivation to the beneficiaries.

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